Spring has arrived with some suddenly warmer sunny weather and a rush of new members to patchwork. The whirring of machines at one end of the hall made us look very industrious indeed.
The Bomb this month resulted in two blocks being made, a Twin Star with the units that had the blue triangle on the left, and a Double Pinwheel with the units that had the blue triangle on the right. Template-free, simple stitching and perfect points. What more could you ask for in a quick pattern? No wonder we had such a good return of finished blocks.
Twin Star blocks drawn by Michelle aka Jan |
Double Pinwheel blocks drawn by Marlena. |
There was quite a long Show and Tell today. Always great to see people lined up ready to show their finished masterpieces.
Elizabeth has appliqued these cute critters with a tiny raw edge zigzag stitch. Joan machine quilted it for her. It was made for the next door neighbour's granddaughter. Isn't that hedgehog adorable? |
Beth has been making more little baby quilts from panels. They are quick to make and so bright as well as being able to be thrown into the washing machine and used well. |
Another simple and gorgeous baby quilt. Beth made this one for Aurora - obviously. |
Marilyn's tuffet. Marilyn booked into a workshop at the new Mackay Sewing Centre and was the only participant. Just look what individualised tutoring can produce! It looks great Marilyn. Although husband apparently insists it needs another leg for more stability. |
Robyn Mc has made this quilt for a friend's grandson. You have to love 'I Spy' quilts with all their fun fabrics. This one looks a bit like a jigsaw puzzle. |
This is going to be the raffle quilt at the Carlyle Gardens Spring Fair. Kay has coordinated the making of it with the ladies at their craft group. Many ladies worked on the centre flower pentagons with either applique or embroidery or both. Floral fabrics were gathered and Kay and another sewer cut them into strips and sewed the crazy patch. It is certainly a beautiful garden quilt for spring. |
Brenda has completed another cushion in blackwork |
Some closer detail of Brenda's perfectly accurate stitching |
Del was surprised to receive an extra bundle of squares when she opened her order from Iddybiddy Cottage so she incorporated them, along with some squares from her stash, into one of the soft minkee backed crocheted together quilts. (We must make up a name for these!) This is the finished pattern, but Del will probably add some fancy crochet around the border just because she can. |
Elaine bought the Moroccan looking panel from the Red Bus at the Sarina Quilt Show and has designed her own quilt around it. The photo doesn't do justice to the beautiful warm and glowing colours in this quilt. Now Elaine just has to find a home for it. |
You may not have seen these quilts at the meeting, but just to prove that Barbro has been busy quilting.
The Good in Life. A quilt featuring shoes, bags, hat and chocolate. Barbro hand appliqued the blocks and used both hand and machine quilting to finish. |
The Gingham Girls. This quilt was a BOM that has been a long lasting job out of the cupboard. There is embroidery and applique in the blocks and Barbro machine pieced them and, of course, hand quilted it. |
The badge draw today was won by Lesley who now has a lovely piece of white on white fabric and some very pretty dyed cotton embroidery thread called 'forgetmenot'. Just the thing for hand stitching in a caravan!