Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Wednesday 5 December 2018

34 ladies gathered at Church on Palmer today and enjoyed our Christmas break-up.  

Everyone enjoyed their meal.
Delma and Brenda were there to greet us and collect the "fabric swap" items and to hand out our Lucky Door numbers.

Liz and Cathy were also busy selling raffle tickets.

The 4 photos above show the ladies busily working on the games.  The photo above shows Barbara and Glenys  (at the very back) trying desperately to remember the answers as these were misplaced.

Julie was the winner of BOTH of the games. She had 15/15 for KNOW YOUR BISCUITS and 18/20 for CHRISTMAS WORD SCRAMBLE.  Well done Julie!

The above 3 photos show our wonderful group having a great time.

The 6 photos above show the lucky winners of the "Left and Right" Pass the Parcel game. As you can see Sue, Elaine, Anne, Jean, Cheryl and Carol were pleased that the story ended while they were holding the package

Deane was the winner of the Lucky Door prize.  Delma was a little concerned about the potted poinsettia as apparently the pot didn't have a seatbelt on and didn't do too well after the brakes had to be applied in a bit of a rush.

The photos above show the ladies holding up the fabric that they received.  I'm sure that they will all find a place for it in a project.

Diane was the winner of the raffle.  She was very lucky that she knew her ticket number as some-one else was about to get her hot little hands on it!!!

Cathy won second prize in the raffle.
Each of us received a gift - a big thank you to Delma who made them for us.  Remember that our Wednesday gatherings will still continue through the break but we will be meeting at the Women's Centre in Shakespeare Street. We start back at the Northern Beaches Community Hall in the first week of February 2019.

 I hope that everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a great New Year.