Saturday, 18 May 2019

15 May 2019

The weather is now more "handiwork friendly" and this encouraged 31 ladies to venture out to our meeting place this morning.  Delma reminded us that our Open Day will be held on 17 July and we will be holding our Biggest Morning Tea fundraiser at this time as well.

Deane was the lucky winner of the Badge Draw this morning.

The perfect weather for craft hasn't had an impact on us yet, as only 2 ladies had items to show.  Maybe many are spending more time in the garden now that they won't get burnt to a crisp so readily.

Delma has made the above table runner for a friend's 85th birthday.  Delma has used the recipient's favourite colours.

Marilyn made this machine embroidered table throw at a Jane Groove workshop held in Clermont.  The workshop was titled "We're Sewing Outback"  Marilyn said that it was a fabulous experience.

Thursday, 2 May 2019

01 May 2019

25 ladies were in attendance this morning.  The weather was perfect for crafting, chatting and enjoying morning tea. What more do you need to make it a wonderful morning!!!

This morning we learnt that two of our members are moving on.  Marg will be leaving on Monday for Wagga Wagga, although she has already made arrangements to come visit us next year.  Rita is moving to New Zealand in July, so we are lucky to have her with us for a while yet.  Our best wishes will go with the ladies and we hope that they can continue with their craft work in their new surroundings.

There are two upcoming events that you may be interested in:

* Sunday 05 May from 9.30 to 3.00 the Pioneer Valley Spinners are holding their Open Day at the Gargett CWA Hall.  There will demonstrations and an opportunity to try different techniques.  Gold Coin entry.

* Saturday 11 May  The Sarina Quilt Show

Marion was the lucky winner of the Badge Draw.

Show and Tell for this week:-
Marlena made this quilt using the "Hearts and Flowers" pattern by Eleanor Burns "Quilt in a Day".  Marlena added the scalloped border to make it her own.  She used a specialised ruler to make working out the length of the scallops to fit the edge perfectly.

Marilyn has made the above bag to transport her work to BBQ on Wednesday morning and to transport items when going to workshops.  The pattern is by  Marilyn's previous craft bag had become too small for her needs.  Keep tuned for other "carriers" to accompany the bag.