Tuesday, 29 October 2019

23 October 2019

26 ladies were present this morning.  We are already planning our break-up Christmas Lunch - where has the year gone???  Carol was the lucky winner of the Badge Draw.

Following are photos of our "Show & Tell" items for today.
Step 1:  Twisted fabric twine

Step 2:  A large ball of twisted twine. This is fabric from 3 dresses that were no longer needed.

The fabric twine is then zigzagged together to make the bag above.

Diane has also used nylon lining fabric to make bags to carry her fruit and veges from the supermarket - no plastic bags needed here!

Brenda has used yarn left over from a previous project to crochet the above rug. She got the idea from Pinterest.

Anne has made the bags above for her granddaughters. The purple one is for a 13 year old and the 7 year old loves pink,  purple and unicorns.  The granddaughters decided that they would like a bag after seeing the one that Anne had made for herself.
Liz has made this humidicrib cover for the Base Hospital.

The above crib quilt will be passed on to the Women's Centre.

Liz has made the above 2 tablerunners for the Christmas baskets to be given to the Women's Centre