Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Wednesday 20 May 2015

Mackay in May is just glorious weather. Maybe why there were only 25 or so to sit and sew today. Everyone else was out exploring while the weather suits exploring! A good chance to move around and catch up with what everyone was doing. It was good to see Linda W back with block 4 of her hand appliqued quilt. Anne and Rita are working on gorgeous embroidered table runners with hundreds of lazy daisies for the cherry blossom on the trees. Fay was hand quilting a dainty pink quilt for a new baby named Molly. (The old fashioned names are really having a comeback.) And Brenda was binding a lovely green quilt started at last year's retreat. Photo soon no doubt.

Karen collected some fabric on last year's trip to Alaska. And here it all is in a completely hand sewn and reversible quilted runner. What a beautiful memory of the Northern Lights.

Karen also made this cot panel into a lovely quilt for a friend's daughter. Karen embroidered cute little animals all around the border and even hand quilted the centre. The backing is some of the cutest little puppy fabric ever seen. Hope the baby loves all the animals.

Linda L made this pretty little pastel raggy quilt for a great niece. We like the idea that you don't have to bind these raggy quilts.

Joan had a bit of a cupboard clean and found the pattern for this quilt and decided it was time it should be made. Joan is not usually a "Christmas sewing" quilter. Nor does she usually machine quilt so closely. So something a bit different to her usual style but a great accomplishment and a very festive quilt. Happy Christmas in May!

The blocks from last week's Bomb together for a recycled wagga. We do love old scrappy quilts and we think we've managed a pretty good replica here. It is attached to an old, stained and moth eaten cream blanket Lesley found which either belonged to her mother or someone's grandmother. It has a  recycled colourful lease of life now.

There was a whole new bag of prizes today after Helen had a shopping excursion in Rockhampton after last week's workshop. Today's lucky winner was Karen.

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