Wednesday, 12 April 2017

Wednesday 12 April 2017

We had another small group of ladies this morning but probably due more to people having already left for the Easter holidays than concerns with overheated halls, as the weather was cool and glorious. It was Committee Meeting day and we had to quickly finish at 10am as certain members required coffee.
Cathy won the  raffle $25 voucher today and while she was collecting the voucher her name was pulled out for the Badge Draw voucher. How lucky can you get!
There were a couple of stunning quilts today in Show and Tell. It's so good to see the wonderful output of our members on display. Keep up the good work!

Joan has made this One Block Wonder quilt for her sister so it will be on the spare bed when she goes to visit. The material is not Joan's colours but was bought in Cairns for $10/m. They supposedly couldn't get rid of the fabric because it was so ugly. It certainly made a wonderful choice for this pattern. Quote from Joan - "This quilt is easy to make." Sure Joan. (Note: Red border should be dark maroon. Could not get the photo back to real colour, sorry.)

Di had bought some Bali Pops for some commission quilts, but the lady changed her mind. So Di has been playing with strips. It has a purple minkee backing and is going in the pile of quilts to be gifted somewhere someday. 

Another little quilt by Di to check out how a pattern works. This is the Sashed Disappearing 9-Patch. The BomB Lady liked this one so much that Di will demonstrate this pattern for the May BomB.

Cathy has made this String Star quilt from a pattern in a book she talked Del into getting for the library. The book is "String Quilts" It's a bright and happy little quilt. 

Beth's quilt is just back from the quilters. Di has quilted this with a traditional flower pattern that really suits the traditional look.. The backing had a colour flaw in it and was bought for $5/m. (Note: And we're sorry that we couldn't rectify the colour in this photo to the beautiful greyed blue of the roses in the fabric.)

(Internet picture)

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